With the support of USAID HealthIT, Kenya Health Information System (KHIS) has evolved into an integrated comprehensive source of health data for program management and for strategic planning for the health sector in Kenya. HealthIT began supporting the evolution and enhancement of KHIS in 2016 in the following ways; server management and administration, customization of the MOH reporting tools, provision of technical support to both the national and county programs, supporting exchange of data with other systems into the KHIS such as electronic medical Records (EMRs), community level systems, Early Infant Diagnosis and Viral Load(EID/VL) ,Kenya Medical Supplies Agency Lab Management Information System(KEMSA-LMIS),Kenya Hospital Master Facility List(KHMFL),Datim among others.
KHIS is an open source, web-based software platform for data collection, management, and analysis. It was first piloted in Kenya in the year 2009 and its actual use began in 2010.It is currently deployed in the whole country and is being used as the main reporting system for health service and commodity data. All health facilities, community units, on-governmental organizations, DICES and SWOPs are currently reporting through the national KHIS platform. The system has over 5700 active users from June 2022.